Being Fair

Before cultivating seeds, you first remove weed in the field and burn it. And then plough the land, make it level, wait for rain and then you grow the seed. After all that hard-work, you still find weed in the crop. Now the question is, "When you didn't grew weed, where did it come from..?"

And again, do we keep quite after removing weed? NO. We don't want it to destroy our crop and at the same time we want to increase the yield of the crop. And it clearly says that, we want more than what nature is giving us in return for the hard-work. We expect more and with that greediness and extra wanting nature in mind, we not only contaminate the soil but we pollute air too. That extra wanting character which is either created or cultivated in us is like a never ending process.

Am I talking about the life cycle of a crop here..?? Wait. I guess I was talking about the life cycle of a politician. And I think, "No family member of a politician will die of thirst. Ever..!!!"

Strange thing is, we, the one who creates a ruler are still with a hope that someday, some supernatural body will come and rescue us. I ask myself, "Who is A.Raja before 1996..?" And the answer is, he comes from a dalit family who has BSc and law degree. And who was he.? He was just a "COMMON MAN". I am neither the supporter of AAP, BJP or Congress. I vote for the one who rains on a dry field and give a living.

"Government is not corrupt, but the people governing the Government are corrupt. "

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