First Love

Play this track first and enjoy the reading.

I wasn't sure why Taj is called as Symbolic of Love. It wasn't built in memory of Shah Jahan's first love. Then second..?? Nah.. but third. If first love itself is first and last love then I guess Shah Jahan wouldn't have built Taj and we would have missed a masterpiece.

I was wondering why people get up-side-down when they fall in love. Like a flower, waiting to bloom and.. like a desert, waiting for rain. I thought those lines are perfect in some romantic movies but not in a practical movie until I got a bite from that mosquito. And you know, there is something interesting about them too.

Basically all repellants work by interfering with the proteins. But when Anopheles gambiae and Aedes aegypti (Dengue and Chickengunya causing mosquitoes) bites, they produce OBP ( Odorant Binding Protein ) and when they are inhibited, the protein cannot recognize odor molecules, which means the odors will never be transported to the olfactory receptors that direct  mosquitoes to the HOST. And HOST doesn't stop there instead it spreads like Thalassemia ( Blood disorder disease that is caused by weakening and destruction of RBC ).

Maybe something like that happened in me too. When so called Love is inhibited, it directly reaches host. There are proteins ( Friends ) to let us know before it reaches host but we act odorless.
There are stories of coincidence and chance and intersections and strange things told and which is which and who only knows.. and we generally say, "Well, if that was in a movie, I wouldn't believe it". Strange things happen all the time and that's how I met my FIRST LOVE. It happened because it was just meant to be.

You know, sometimes things are so transparent and they don't need any evidential proof. But, they may... just be an illusion. And we think that  destiny, soul mates, true love and all that childhood fairy tales are just nonsense. But, I think I forgot one thing here and that maybe,"It was just me that she wasn't right about."

I wasn't sure about my time when I fell in love but in the end I was sure about my time that I have spent.. has some value for me. We maybe through the past but it maybe worthless when it ain't with us because it can't be hidden where there is no place to hide.

Well, I don't have SIGNATURE in my hand..rather, as said earlier there will be stories of coincidences I this one:

She Saw Me With A Doubt,
Then I Thought No Doubt,
I'm OUT. :P


  "Things Which Are Equal To The Same Thing Are Equal To Each Other."

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