Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts


I wonder how a woman feels;
When she lets someone touch her bare body!
The fault in the stars doesn’t matter before her trust I guess.
The faith she puts in that touch;
Oh God. Only “She” would know and feel it.

I wonder how a woman with a character feel;
When the fault in the stars appear.
And, the faith becomes a comet!
In a society,
Where screaming is not allowed;
And, the game of judgement always on cards;
I wouldn’t even dare to imagine how;
She lets herself take it all and move forward.

On whom would she scream when;
The hands she held weren’t there to wipe her tears?
What would she cover herself with;
When there isn’t a feeling to feel?
Whom would she complain about;
This unfairness of life?
Belief system would disappear and no wonder why;
She never lets her emotions erupt thereafter.

Independent she might;
But beneath, it’s not her body to be touched (again);
It should be a character that respects;
And kisses her whispering, “You’re beautiful”.

Unsettled Soul

She always hid behind those dreamy clouds unsettled!
Neither to shower nor to shine.

Confusion always crawled beneath her skin;
“Matter of fact” was always galaxy away of her reach.

Consciously subconscious she became!
The difference always attracted her than repelling.

The beat she loved couldn’t reach her!
It is the dark sky and trembling silence she could see and hear.

Clouds always been her “Augmented reality”!
And she chose to hide behind those dreamy clouds “Unsettled”!

Why write about her?
Cause, I felt she is one among best antiquities of nature.