Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

Past - A Choice

Distorted present she lives in.

Sorted past she believes she’s with.

Belief she had on one.

Feeling turned togetherness.

Societal opinions didn’t flatter her until;

The opinions of “that one” started pouring in without;

Emotions of Her and Perspective of Her.

Opinions she formed because of one.

Clearer it became with the run.

Sorted it seemed with none;

With the hope thrown in bin and;

Optimism flushed in sink.

The list she scrolls to get along with one now,

May reach the end to get along with none.

And, no wonder if;

She stood there in the past being in present.

Want to blame PAST?

If choices made can ruin the past;

Can’t the same choice make better present and future?

And, what if the choice made by YOU to YOURSELF;

Is another "the one" who ruined the past?


(.... Let the music roll! ....)

Dreamers we are;
Dreamers we be!!

Friends we are;
Strangers we be!!

Matured we are;
Stubborn we be!!

Thinkers we are;
Fools we be!!

Near we are;
Distance we be!!

Inclusion we are;
Exclusion we be!!

Destined we are;
Parallel we be!!

Free we are;
Caged we be!!

Creators we are;
Exploiters we be!!

Dreamers we are;
Dreamers we be!!

You know, everyone starts to live their dream; And in the process of living the dream, life itself becomes a dream to live. Friends, maturity, freedom, destiny.. we can go on counting; but are we living? Honestly, I never found someone who answered me this. Neither I could answer myself because I myself have been in the second line from above. The day we come out of the loop, maybe we can start living.

Page Turn Over

Turning the page doesn’t hurt;
The frozen moment of the page.. in memory does..!!
The characters of the page does..!!
A mind wrapped around the character does..!!
The span of life the page has taken away does..!!
Being on the same page does..!!

Turning the page doesn’t hurt;
If you cherish the frozen moments of the page..!!
If you let the character roll..!!
If you let go thoughts from mind..!!
If you can understand the importance of time..!!
Above all,
Letting yourself to turn the page and meet new character;
Who can freeze a moment of yours, creating memories..!!

Are you a true introvert?

"With introvert nature of ourselves, we might think that oneself is more than sufficient to sustain this whole life."

I might be wrong in most of the cases that I'm about to write or I might be true in some cases. But, this is my personal experience from where I realized that, "I'm not introvert".

Like every individual thinks or believes that they are introverts with the kind of life they deal or live with, it's most often been misunderstood about oneself; but believed what's written or said about introvert nature. Yes, we do love solidarity with thyself, live, think and act accordingly. But in all this, what we fail to understand is, "We build strong emotions unknowingly."

I want to emphasize more on emotion and feelings part. And how they can turn everything in such a way that everything seems "needy and greedy to the moment". Once it breaks the pure nature of any emotion or feeling, it gets dissolved just like salt in water. And it takes enough time to rebuild that trust or might not rebuild the trust at all.

I feel that, "No one can live with oneself all their life". We need love, we need physical touch and above all, we need someone out there to keep an eye on us. Yes, we do think or realize sometimes that we should be left alone. Also, we do need support to speak out and express what we are going through in our lives sometimes; and being introvert, we hesitate to speak out because we think that one cannot understand what our exact emotions are. But going through these emotions individually makes you realize that everyone needs a support in every individual's life. And the moment I realized this, I told myself that I'm not an introvert anymore.

Now ask yourself, "Why do we think one cannot understand introvert?". Might be because we lost the trust or one doesn't have that "someone" to whom they can share their emotions without being judgmental. Lost trust might have deeper roots which I consider and that might impact at greater level. Totally agree. But again, this body of ours needs human touch and human emotions, a true hope and faith with the future. Without these, we might become a man made machine with a life that can be torn into bits and pieces if unnecessary.

What makes me feel sad is that, when introverts (who think they are) or anyone lose true hope with bad relationship, they start to build a reflecting character on what they trusted before. Love, it's pure in its nature. It's not love that's impure. It's the mindset of people which is impure. How is it even a fair point to evaluate everyone and be judgmental with one or two mindsets? If that's what we believe in, with every moment of life, we start making decisions that takes us to a desert or void where either you can see all sand or nothing at all. And in either cases, we will be left alone. But that's not what we are. That's not the nature we are built with. Remember that we do feel pain and happiness and if we can stand on ourselves without any emotion, why at all care about pain and happiness? They should be thrown out too because these come with either people or things. And if it's dependent, remember that you're not a true introvert. Because you still depend.

Yes, it's a personal choice to live one's life the way they want. But we need to understand that some should be left as constants; which are true and pure with nature and some as variables; which can be evaluated or changed with experience. Mismatching with what is what can create enough mind puzzles and riddles where the path to gate goes missing. Eventually, we need to eat what we sow.

Just for once, ask yourself, "Are you a true introvert?"

Introvert Nature

Right Question

It would be a lie if someone believes or said that the past can be forgotten. It'll never be is what everyone knows. But people tend to make peace by not asking the questions. And I believe they do so because the answers to the questions wouldn't exist or it would make them feel unimaginable to themselves.

But, when one day people tend to ask right questions to themselves (importantly) or others, we barely hear "NICE" in return. It would make feel better for that instance but again, it'll be the same as the questions which aren't answered but made peace. Because a decision made for something will always be against something else - no matter how hard one tries to settle it.

"If not now, when?" - Generation started to believe this. People who would like to experience (which is not wrong), always forgets the last word in the sentence - "When?". The time they tend to realize and see the consequences, first we hear "How?" and then "When?". In the process of living in present, we unknowingly build a future where we fear to question the right questions.

Some think that they have been chosen in what they've been (are) doing. And some other thinks that they've been cursed to be doing the doings. More or less, what matters in the end is, "We chose to do it." Aren't we? It "might" have been different, if one asked right questions. But, how many would go after questions after all.

When we fail to answer right questions, I think, we should believe that it's not we to decide (not judge) what should be happening. And it definitely says that we aren't the attorney. If you have come this long, you would have read the above paragraph or remember me saying that, "It would have been different if asked right questions." Now you see, I also said that, a decision made for something will always be against something else. And what I meant is, "We have to live with it."

I do sometimes believe that someone is always in charge of what we're doing. Everything seems to be working as it was already planned. The moment we move out of it, we believe that we made a move. But, did we or can we is what I ask myself. Truly, I don't have the gut to answer it. And sometimes I believe that "Karma" is something which is taking care of everything.

One day, there might be someone who comes to question the way I'm questioning. And sometimes, a question to a question will be the answer I guess. Thinking all this, I know that one day I'll read this blog again. Then, sit alone, wait for someone to start asking the questions to the questions from the day this has been written.

Burnt Bones

There is no justice written
In this world.
It is what you make when
your bones are burnt and left
as a black stick.

When the fire has gone out,
Someone might have written
Something new
In the ashes
It takes a great sky to find
That one line written inside you.

It is difficult to
Feel special when you are lost.
You might think that
You are leaving with
The light that fades quickly
Believe that
You are learning to be no-one
 To be someone one day.


You are arriving.

Lost in the Dark

He looks at the dark sky
When he's short of words.

He always thrives to
Express what he feels;
Ends up with short of words and;
Starts looking at the dark sky.

He loves being pragmatic and introvert;
Believes in magic and;
When magic doesn't work,
He starts looking at the dark sky.

He believes love and friendship are
Two beautiful emotions.
For him, "ever yours" is a synonym of "never yours".

He's looking at the dark sky.